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Ngo/Section 8 Company/Society registration
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- Ngo/Section 8 Company/Society registration

A Non-Profit Organization in India, registered under Companies Act 2013, as Section 8 Company with a non-profit motive. The main purpose of establishing a company as a Section 8 company is to promote non-profit objectives such as trade, commerce, arts, charity, education, religion, environment protection, social welfare, sports, research, etc. The income of the Section 8 Company must be used to promote only charitable objects and cannot pay any dividend to the members of the company.
- Minimum 2 shareholders (for private limited NGO) and 7 Shareholders (for public limited NGO)
- Minimum 2 Directors (for private limited co. & 3 Directors ( for public limited NGO)
- Exemption from requirement of Minimum Paid-up capital.
There are three types of NGOs
- Trust under Indian Trusts Act, 1882
- Society under Societies Registration Act 1860
- Section 8 Company under Companies Act, 2013
This exemption is claimed by donators under section 80G. However, the donators are only eligible to take tax exemption if the section 8 company is registered under section 80G. This exemption can be filed along with section 12 exemptions or any time after that.
Documents Required:
- Pan of All Directors.
- Aadhar of all directors
- Photo of all directors
- Mobile No. & E-mail id of all directors
- Bank Statement of all Directors (Not older than 2 Months) &shareholders
- Electricity Bill/Utility Bill/Gas Bill/Postpaid Mobile Bill of registered office (Not older than 2 Months)
- A copy of the rent agreement (if a premise is rented).
NGO Registration package includes:
- Incorporation Certificate
- MOA of Company
- AOA of Company
- Pan of Company
- Tan of Company
- DIN of Three Directors
- DSC of Three Directors
- Board Resolution for Bank Account opening
Time duration
It can take up to 15-20 working days in order to NGO/Section 8 Registration.
Cost involved
Get your NGO/Section-8 registered on 11,999/- Only
Enquiry Person Details
Visit Us
7/115, D & E, Ground Floor, Ashraya Apartment, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur - 208002
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+91 8604723727
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cacslegals@gmail.com fennixxlegalindia@gmail.com